Join us
In the hostel industry, everyone has a role to play in the acceleration of climate actionand, in consequence, we are all crucial.
You want to join?
There is no time for more delays. It is time to reduce to the fullestgreenhouse gas emissions. We are aware that the climate change is so challenging that we all have to compromise, not only the governments. We are aware that every business, every city, every region, every school, every social entity and every person…has a share of responsibility.Wecall for this shared responsibility and mobilization.
Commitments of the Declaration
To be a signatory, chains and large restauration companies, small businesses and PYMES, and suppliers’companiesagree to implement the commitments detailedin The Sharm El SheikhDeclaration, in particular:
- To support the global commitment to reduce emissions by half by 2030 and to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible, preferably by 2040, and always by 2050.
- To present decarbonization plans within 12 months of signing (and to actualize existing planes) and to implement them.
- To publish decarbonization plans and reporting on progress made against the goals, as well as measures taken, at least once a year.
- In the case of PYMES, they have to confirm their climate commitments through the initiative Pymes Climate Hub with the following link, which allows for the recognition of the UN campaignRace to Zero.
In the case of sectoral organizations or other entities and institutions, they commit to:
- To support, from its institutional status, the commitment to action of the sector, strengthening the governance and the capacity of action of the sector to meet the objectives of the decarbonization plans.
- To promote training, research and the implementation ofeffective measures and tools to accelerate the sector’s climate ambition.
- To mobilize its partners to expand the number of sector commitments in line with the objectives of the declaration.
Learn more about the signatories
The Sharm El SheikhDeclaration aims to lead and to promote further climate action of each actor of the hostel industry, contributing effectively to climate action.